Big6 logo Assignment Organizer for Grades 3-6

Fill out Big6 #1-5 before you begin to work on your assignment.
Fill out Big6 #6 before you turn in your assignment.
You will need to print this form before exiting the page.

Today's date: Class:

Great Idea light bulb Big6 #1: Task Definition

What am I supposed to do?
What information do I need in order to do this? (Consider listing in question form.)

Stack of books Big6 #2: Information Seeking Strategies

What are the best sources I can use to find this information?

If using web sites, how will I know that they are good enough for my project?
I will use only those evaluated by and provided by my teachers.
I will ask my librarian, teacher, or parent for help in finding good web sites for my project.

Magnifying glass Big6 #3: Location & Access

Where will I find these sources?
school library
public library
personal library
provided by my teachers

Who can help me find what I need?
I can find the sources myself
my librarian
my teacher
my parent(s)

Frog taking notes Big6 #4: Use of Information

How will I record the information that I find?
take notes using cards
take notes on notebook paper
take notes using a word processor on a computer
take notes using a data chart or other graphic organizer
illustrate concepts
record into a tape recorder or use a video or digital camera

How will I give credit to my sources?
use the guide given to me by my teacher
use the Classroom Connect web site for citing Internet resources
use the Quick Guide for citing other resources

Girl pointing to map Big6 #5: Synthesis

How will I show my results?
written paper
oral presentation
multimedia presentation
performance or

How will I give credit to my sources in my final product or performance?
include a written bibliography
after the performance or presentation, announce which sources I used

Materials I will need for my presentation or performance (list, separating by commas)

How much time do I estimate it will take to find the information and create the product?

Timeline for assignment
Ideas for project (task definition) completed by:
Information searching (note taking) completed by:
First draft due:
Completed assignment due:

Include here any additional information needed to successfully complete the assignment:

A+ on chalkboard Big6 #6: Evaluation

How will I know if I have done my best?
Before turning in my assignment, I need to check off all of these items (on the printed Organizer):
what I created to finish the assignment is appropriate for what I was supposed do in Big6 #1
the information I found in Big6 #4 matches the information needed in Big6 #1
credit is given to all of my sources, written in the way my teacher requested
my work is neat
my work is complete and includes heading information (name, date, etc.)
I would be proud for anyone to view this work

Big6™ copyright 1990, Michael Eisenberg and Robert Berkowitz.
Big6™ Assignment Organizer copyright 1999, Barbara A. Jansen.
Links and graphics used with permission.

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Copyright 2002, St. Andrew's Episcopal School, Austin, TX
Created and maintained by Barbara A. Jansen, Librarian/Technology Coordinator, Upper School.

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