Questions and Answers About Puma (Mountain Lion, Cougar)

Where do Puma live? western North America, Mexico, Central America, and South America

many different habitats: lowland swamps, forest, deserts, grasslands, and mountain slopes

How big do they get? body is 3 1/4 to 5 1/4 feet long; tail is 23 1/2 to 33 1/2 inches long.
How much do they weight? males: 130 to 150 pounds
What do they eat? deer
What are their enemies? humans and bears
What do they look like? tawny colored with black tipped ears and tip of the tail. May be grey in color also.
How many babies do they have? litter of 3-4 spotted kittens
Do they have any special skills? may drag their prey a long distance or bury it to come back to eat. like places where they can conceal themselves and pounce on their prey.
Are there any special facts about them? have many regional names (over 40) including mountain lion, panther, cougar, catamount.
Do they live alone or in groups? solitary hunters

National Geographic Animal Encyclopedia. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 2000.

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